Unlike incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps always require a ballast to regulate the flow of power through the lamp. However, a fluorescent lamp converts electrical power into useful light more efficiently than an incandescent lamp; lower energy costs offsets the higher initial cost of the lamp. While larger fluorescent lamps have been mostly used in large commercial or institutional buildings, the compact fluorescent lamp is now being used as an energy-saving alternative to incandescent lamps in homes. Compared with incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps use less power for the same amount of light, generally last longer, but are bulkier, more complex, and more expensive than a comparable incandescent lamp. (taken from : wikipedia.com)
Nowdays, fluorescent lamp has different types according to their application. Fluorescent could be use for general lighting, also accent lighting such as uplighter, downlight, path-ways lighting, bollards, indirect lighting which is often used in interior building to avoiding the direct light from its source accepted by our eyes.
To obtains the correct illumination, we have to choose the right reflector which are becomes part of the armature designed for fluorescent lamps. Many lighting designer usually used matte than glossy alumunium surface reflector to decrease dazzled when our eyes are catching the lamp source. The other sides, the light would be more softer and not too much.
Nowdays, fluorescent lamp has different types according to their application. Fluorescent could be use for general lighting, also accent lighting such as uplighter, downlight, path-ways lighting, bollards, indirect lighting which is often used in interior building to avoiding the direct light from its source accepted by our eyes.
To obtains the correct illumination, we have to choose the right reflector which are becomes part of the armature designed for fluorescent lamps. Many lighting designer usually used matte than glossy alumunium surface reflector to decrease dazzled when our eyes are catching the lamp source. The other sides, the light would be more softer and not too much.
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